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Full Version: S. Korea: Former president to give up 3 North Korean dogs
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Former President Moon Jae-in released a statement Monday that he will return two Pungsan breed dogs to the current government, as well as a puppy of the female dog. The two dogs, named Gomi and Songkang, were gifts from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un when the two leaders met in 2018 for their third inter-Korean summit.

Gomi later gave birth to seven puppies in 2021, one of which the presidential couple raised while rehoming the remaining six with other families.

The ministry then drew up a draft confirming that it would provide monthly payments of 2.5 million won to Moon in return for raising the three dogs. But the plan has not been implemented yet, due to opposition from the interior ministry as well as the Ministry of Justice.

Moon's announcement that he would return the three dogs to the government came as the expenses were not provided.

"Ex-President Moon has been raising the Pungsan dogs for a long time. He is very disappointed to return the dogs, especially at this time when Gomi went through surgery. But he was comforted by being able to take care of them for six months more (after his retirement).
He got class just look at his house, a GCB in SEOUL?