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Full Version: Why talking heads like to use the word "pivot"?
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Does it make them sound more atas?

Farking idiots!
It started with PIVOT EAST during Obama era
now for everything for ex. FRB
when the issue is the quality of the collaterals
Market makers have a hard time
Federal reserve is now boarded up with 10ft wall.
pivots everywhere
[Image: Screenshot-2022-11-09-at-04-31-36-DXY-U-...-Watch.png]
others like this is pivoting

[Image: Screenshot-2022-11-09-at-04-33-37-gold-1...pixels.png]

Hot potato like this MMRI showing acute market risk issss taken out
[Image: Screenshot-2022-11-09-at-04-34-45-Maintenance.png]
this one is pivoting in stealth mode QE in QT
crimean bridge first half completed
2nd starts 11112022
[Image: Screenshot-2022-11-09-at-05-25-32-Intel-Slava-Z.png]