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HONG KONG — Twice a day Hong Kong's virtually deserted airport fills with the sound of tearful goodbyes as residents fearful for their future under China's increasingly authoritarian rule start a new life overseas, mostly in Britain.

London flights tend to leave in the afternoon and late evening, and for a few hours it briefly feels like the pandemic no longer exists as the airport comes to life.

Check-in desks fill up with crowds of passengers wheeling as much luggage as their tickets will permit.

Accompanied by the loved ones they leave behind, the scenes are emotionally charged and shadowed by a palpable pall of sorrow. 

One family has brought along their favourite rice cooker, another a taste of home in the form of local shrimp noodles. 

Some take a moment to pray, others pose for a final group photo or share gifts. An elderly lady hands her departing grandchildren traditional good luck red envelopes containing money.

Most of those leaving pause for a final hug before passing through the departure gates, the sound of sobbing continuing long after they have disappeared from view.


Clutching his British National Overseas (BNO) passport, 43-year-old media worker Hanson said he began making plans to leave when he saw footage of police beating democracy supporters in a subway train during protests two years ago.

Then came a new national security law which China imposed on Hong Kong to snuff out dissent. 

"It will be a big change for me, quitting my job and starting anew in a foreign place," he told AFP. 

"I will miss Hong Kong a lot, but the situation has deteriorated too fast so I have to go."

Hong Kong's government does not keep statistics on how many residents permanently leave but anecdotal evidence shows that an exodus is under way.

The net outflow of residents has steadily increased as this year has progressed and spiked in recent weeks, according to immigration figures.

Around 1,500 Hong Kongers on average were leaving via the airport each day in July, up from around 800 for the first half of the year and despite the pandemic throttling international travel.

Many are taking advantage of an offer by Hong Kong's former colonial overlord Britain allowing those with BNO passports and their relatives to settle there.

As usual, white trash mouthpiece and its ball licker media like ChennaiNewsAhneh, are dreaming wet on those hooker exodus lah.  Big Grin

If not, then why the most HK Top "A level" students are still choosing to study in HK universities?

Even most (if not 100% Big Grin ) of our sinkee Top "A level" students are choosing to study in angmoh countries. lol
There is a saying, there is no place like home lah