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Full Version: The Human Zoo in Paris
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Disgraceful Europeans
(11-11-2022, 04:52 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Disgraceful Europeans
How can exhibit humans as like animals, it is downright inhuman... Angry
(11-11-2022, 04:55 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]How can exhibit humans as like animals, it is downright inhuman... Angry

Well, in the 19th century Europeans treated Africans, Asians and Red Indians like animals as they were dirty, ugly and uncivilised.
here still got some, unchained ones.
(11-11-2022, 04:58 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Well, in the 19th century Europeans treat Africans, Asians and Red Indians like animals as they were dirty, ugly and uncivilised.
That is a long time ago, now Africans, and Asians are treated as on par with the Europeans...... Laughing
(11-11-2022, 06:17 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]That is a long time ago, now Africans, and Asians are treated as on par with the Europeans...... Laughing

Asians are doing better than Europeans but we never put them in the zoo Rolleyes
(11-11-2022, 06:26 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Asians are doing better than Europeans but we never put them in the zoo Rolleyes


they put them in Xinjiang internment rapes camps

very well fed and dressed.
[Image: 4-C8-B5-C20-9-FB1-410-A-A3-E8-2-C482-A1-F1255.jpg]

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[Image: 18-B859-D9-C22-D-47-E7-9-B40-AF2-C60-A18-EF4.jpg]
More than 100 Aboriginal men, women and children were killed. The most recent genocidal massacre took place in the Northern Territory in 1928, when several hundred Warlpiri, Anmatyere and Kaytetye people were killed in reprisal for killing a dingo trapper.
[Image: CC4-F4-BFE-CF97-40-AC-83-CA-905-E545-BAD0-F.jpg]

Commonwealth soldiers in a British military base pose with the decapitated head of an MNLA guerrilla killed during Malayan Emergency, 1951. This photograph was first published on the 28 April 1952 by the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker (Morning Star), causing a political scandal throughout the British government, exposing the widespread practice of Iban headhunters fighting for the British decapitating the corpses of anti-colonial guerrillas.

[Image: 0-D513-D70-A306-4-E37-88-A6-4-FE4480-F3158.jpg]