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Full Version: Singapore likely to add more countries for quarantine-free entry
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Vaccinated travellers from more countries are likely able to enter Singapore without having to quarantine "in the coming weeks and months".

This comes after a successful start to the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL), with only one Covid-19 case detected among some 900 travellers who have come in under the scheme.

Transport Minister S. Iswaran said on Monday that the Republic is actively working to expand the VTL. The scheme started on Sept 8, and is open to Brunei and Germany for a start.

Travellers under this scheme will take up to four Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, in lieu of a stay-home notice.

Mr Iswaran said the results in the first two weeks have been promising. More than 900 VTL travellers have entered Singapore, and all of them have fully complied with the mandatory testing regime, he said, adding that several countries and regions have expressed interest in opening VTLs with Singapore.
The issue is when they return to their country, if they end up getting an infection leading to spread. Then sg highlat...

At times I wonder if those tests are really accurate or tikum tikum one...
Our hospitals can't cope already.
Quarantine-free for foreigners, SHN for sinkies...
Vaccinated can still spread the disease here.

Want money, don't want life.