SG Talk

Full Version: Man: Evergrande was insolvent 10 years ago
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He should went to Taiwan or Singapore to tell the story that time....
Can cause an implosion
The pressure for China is great.
Watch the water on 2 fronts.
If he come here, many property company will be spared from investing property shares in HK ...
Why not short sellers do to those distruptive/gig economy companies eg grab, sea, zoom, spacs whereby revenue keeps going to the moon, expenses keep increasing yet showing NO profits? Just because eg Evergrande is old economy while all those from silicon valley startup ideas get rewarded with high share prices even there is NO profits for years. the very basic fundamentals of basic investing is buy companies that there have PROFITS not those LOSS making companies. School textbooks must re-read soon?
Watch the water
Raining here when it supposed to be 34 degrees C