SG Talk

Full Version: Swee Heng is seeking to hire retail assistant @ $1360/hr
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I think in addition to selling bread, the job scope also includes selling backside to attract customers. Big Grin
Where got dai chek gup na choi gai tiu, typo error lah should be 1,360cts/hr.
They cant even put small detail to hiring pay from per month to per hour..this job only malaysian chinese can do..just look at their store always time to stop to think what your next stage of life will work work until die 6 days a week...per hour all those $10 and below cannot do one.
swee heng roti not nice
(22-09-2021, 08:00 AM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]swee heng roti not nice

I never buy bread from them.
I still prefer the old school bread from 五十年。
(22-09-2021, 08:00 AM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]swee heng roti not nice

Actually quite OK leh. Even their birthday cakes taste fine to me. I easy eater.