SG Talk

Full Version: 22 Sept: 1,457 new cases of COVID-19 infection,1 vax and 2 unvax died
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If you check out figure 3, the no of death on 22nd Sep is 1.. The other 2 are counted under 21st Sep..
Every country try to cut down cases. Only in SG gov try to increase more cases and deaths.

Funny thing is no ministers or their families will get Covid or died. Why huh?
Average age to die from covid in sg is still at 75 even though there is one 50yr old died without underlying illnesses. Young people mian kia....
(23-09-2021, 09:06 AM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]Funny thing is no ministers or their families will get Covid or died. Why huh?

They got private cars since day 1 you dunno meh?
[Image: PMLogic.png]
God Bless Singapore......

i missed LKY...
once hits 2000 on daily basis, PAP will have to do CB.

even if the ICU system can cope, A&E and ward manpower cannot cope.

PAP has not planned for extra manpower to cope in A&E and normal wards.
(23-09-2021, 10:39 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]once hits 2000 on daily basis, PAP will have to do CB.

even if the ICU system can cope, A&E and ward manpower cannot cope.

PAP has not planned for extra manpower to cope in A&E and normal wards.
Yup....PAP gov always use money to solve problems, but they miscalculated that money cannot buy manpower to man the machines....only solution is to deploy SAF men...