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Full Version: HP cutting up to 6,000 jobs over next three years
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Now a days in SG if got any Tech company is mostly just an Office
HP got volunteer earlier program those old staff can get 1 years = 1 months if volunteer to leave HP
(23-11-2022, 01:22 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Now a days in SG if got any Tech company is mostly just an Office

HP got factories here besides office. Around 3,300 employees total in Singapore.
(23-11-2022, 02:07 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]HP got factories here besides office. Around 3,300 employees total in Singapore.

Two site 1 at depot and the other at joo koon
HP is an American company and not doing well…this is not the first and last time it retrenches people.
they employed many cute TWMM in SG

but srsly who still use HP product ?? company Laptop ?
(23-11-2022, 03:09 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]they employed many cute TWMM in SG

That is under sub con foxcon ..
Mostly operator are either from Malaysia or Indonesia
(23-11-2022, 03:09 PM)limpeh394 Wrote: [ -> ]they employed many cute TWMM in SG

but srsly who still use HP product ?? company Laptop ?

I think the HP biz here is mainly printers.
(23-11-2022, 03:04 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]HP is an American company and not doing well…this is not the first and last time it retrenches people.

Every common every two to three years got retrenchment de. See who volunteer lor .

Those contract staff will tio first follow by low rankings perm staff then long service staff
(23-11-2022, 03:13 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Every common every two to three years got retrenchment de. See who volunteer lor .

Those contract staff will tio first follow by low rankings perm staff then long service staff

American bosses like to fire people. HP, Seagate Microsoft, Meta, Twitter, Tesla, Amazon, Yahoo and many more.
(23-11-2022, 03:18 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]American bosses like to fire people. HP, Seagate Microsoft, Meta, Twitter, Tesla, Amazon, Yahoo and many more.

But those got 20 years service want shiok . 1 years = 1 months compensation if volunteer.
(23-11-2022, 03:21 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]But those got 20 years service want shiok . 1 years = 1 months compensation if volunteer.

Due to ongoing frequent retrenchments, people more 20 year service are rare, mostly 5-10 years, small number of people have worked 15 years.
(23-11-2022, 03:29 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Due to ongoing frequent retrenchments, people more 20 year service are rare, mostly 5-10 years, small number of people have worked 15 years.

Got lar see whether want to take up boh got 18 yrs . Mine friend been with HP for almost going to 20 yrs Liao see whether will he take up the offer boh ..last he just change department only
Tech bubble burst already lah.
Almost every day will hear that company freeze OT, freeze headcount, cut manpower and retrenchment.

Next sector will be Financial sector? Song Boh!
Rate hike will only keep going up until pop.
It is omnidirectional. No U turn. U turn means collapsing or crashing.