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News analysis: What new Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim's familiarity with Singapore, his personality could mean for bilateral ties

Political observers said Mr Anwar will be preoccupied with domestic issues and is unlikely to raise hot button bilateral issues in his first year, though the makeup of his government could pose some challenges for bilateral relations. 


A Rival’s Misstep Helped Anwar Finally Land Malaysia’s Top. Job.Anwar Ibrahim united rival blocs to join his government. His appointment ended a five-day political stalemate

Malaysia's Anwar to Test Majority With Parliament Vote 25 November 2022.

When Malaysia’s King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah asked the two men vying to be the next prime minister if they would agree to form a unity government after neither had majority, one of them completely rejected the idea.

To both politicians before him -- opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and ex-premier Muhyiddin Yassin -- were scrambling to draw support from parties and coalitions in the past four days after an inconclusive vote. 

Earlier on in the post-election race Muhyiddin’s coalition proclaimed he had the sworn declarations of enough lawmakers ready to back him but the palace publicly insisted no one.

A Rival’s Misstep Helped Anwar Finally Land Malaysia’s Top PM Job

Anwar Ibrahim united rival blocs, Umno to join his government.