SG Talk

Full Version: Currently, world’s oldest living cat, is nearly 27 years old
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Wah, the oldest cat ever died at 38 years old.  

If 27 cat years is equivalent to 120 human years than 38 is equivalent to 168 human years.
(26-11-2022, 02:29 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]Wah, the oldest cat ever died at 38 years old.  

If 27 cat years is equivalent to 120 human years than 38 is equivalent to 168 human years.

How did you derive on this figure.........? Thinking
actually cat life span at most like roughly 18 years.
(26-11-2022, 03:45 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]How did you derive on this figure.........? Thinking

The report stated that 27 cat years is equivalent to 120 human years mah. I divide 120 by 27 and then multiply by 38 to get 168.