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Full Version: NEA exploring table-cleaning robot at hawker centres to support manual labour
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haha, another kaki can laughing to the bank project

[Image: automated-tray-return-hawker-centre-yee-chin-teo.jpg]
(28-11-2022, 08:07 PM)mrclubbie Wrote: [ -> ]

another way of increasing hawker stalls rental.
got plate licking robot?
Why not revert back to normal...just get more cleaners? It's cheaper right?

So why the fark PAP don't understand they r just farking useless.
made all stall owner to return their own bowl plate by law. better than use law to us by returning ourself
(28-11-2022, 09:47 PM)jus4lucky Wrote: [ -> ]made all stall owner to return their own bowl plate by law. better than use law to us by returning ourself

We as the lesser mortals, are always at a disadvantage, we as customers are forced to return tray to tray return kiosks, else may face a $300 fine........ crying
Maybe they will mandate users clean the table after eating.
(28-11-2022, 10:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe they will mandate users clean the table after eating.

I don't think this is impossible as things are going......... Rotfl nudie
keep trying new things that doesn't work, will that drag down national iq ranking?
Just ask the patrons to clear their plates.
Really foolish idea.

厉害就好,不要假厉害。 Rotfl

The $$$ shd spend on centralised dish washing machine lah.
(28-11-2022, 10:36 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Just ask the patrons to clear their plates.
Really foolish idea.

厉害就好,不要假厉害。 Rotfl

The $$$ shd spend on centralised dish washing machine lah.
A good suggestion........... Clapping Laughing