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Full Version: Team USA wins Math Olympiad…US beats China for first time in 20 years
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how cum only 阿中 no 硬肚?
Are they holding the wrong flag?
(30-11-2022, 12:39 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Are they holding the wrong flag?

The team US consists of all Chinese nationality.......... Laughing nudie
How come no white Americans?
(30-11-2022, 12:52 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]How come no white Americans?

White Americans are not powerful in math.................. Rotfl Laughing nudie
next round must lower the standard so other ppl got better chance
(30-11-2022, 12:52 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]How come no white Americans?

Be'coz young white Americans today either dream of becoming Hollywood actors, social media influencer or to perform on America's Got Talent....

That's why TSMC is forced to send many TW engineers to its Arizona semicon plant recently as they struggled to recruit qualified Americans.

(30-11-2022, 01:03 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]Be'coz young white Americans today either dream of becoming Hollywood actors, social media influencer or to perform on America's Got Talent....

That's why TSMC is forced to send many TW engineers to its Arizona semicon plant recently as they struggled to recruit qualified Americans.


Does this mean that America does not have enough IT engineers........and had to be 'imported' from Taiwan...... Big Grin
(30-11-2022, 01:08 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Does this mean that America does not have enough IT engineers........and had to be 'imported' from Taiwan...... Big Grin

Semi conductor industry don't depend on "IT engineers"  - They need skilled people in handling 24/7 shift jobs in wafer production and able to tolerate long hours wearing bunny suits in super clean rooms