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Full Version: Calvin Cheng: Don’t be a bloody gu niang
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Quote:It is absolutely true that prior to the availability of vaccines, UK’s government handled Covid poorly and many died.

But one aspect of the British people that I admire is their resilience and self-sufficiency.

Just like now in Singapore, the British were told to stay at home if their symptoms were mild, and only go to the hospital when very sick.

But with their stiff-upper lip, their interpretation of “very sick’” sometimes meant they took themselves to the hospital too late. They would endure and endure, and felt embarrassed about bothering the doctors with ‘just a bit of cold’.

On the other hand in Singapore, there is this video going viral of Tan Tock Seng Hospital A&E being overwhelmed.

The person taking the video obviously isn’t in need of emergency help. A lot of young men lying on makeshift beds looking relaxed.

If we don’t change this mindset , our health services will be overwhelmed regardless of vaccination rates.

The hospital is meant for serious cases, mostly seniors who are unvaccinated, and some who are vaccinated but with co- morbidities.

Don’t be a bloody gu niang.

Don’t see how we are going to fight a real war like this.

- CC
hope he will soon get the chance to show off his non-gu niangness
(24-09-2021, 07:40 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]hope he will soon get the chance to show off his non-gu niangness

I concur .... let's make an alter for him so that we can pray her experience how non-gu nian he is
Why PAP has another LJ Brain talking using arsehole?

He is like Jac Lau cannot be a man yet want to act like a man.

If your house is small, recovery at home is not an option! It will spread to family members.

Both really got KKJ, arh??
He thinks those ppl  so happy to go TTSH to relax?  Thinking
This is not called gu niang, they are doing their part to make sure they dont spread to the public.

The person taking the video is to show what is actually happening on the ground and let more ppl know, if possible try not to come to hospital if you still not in serious condition. The hospital has started crowding. Once crowded, the healthcare staffs will be very stress.
i hope mr delta visits him and treat him well
CC thinks Singaporeans cannot make it.

[Image: CC-chic.jpg]