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Full Version: Anwar Ibrahim: Honeymoon as Malaysian PM will be brutally short
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Anwar Ibrahim: Honeymoon as Malaysian PM will be brutally short
They predicted his PM position will end this month .
(03-12-2022, 01:48 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]They predicted his PM position will end this month .
Unlikely I think he can last one full term............ Rotfl Laughing
at least he now can mati peacefully with being the 10th PM leaving a legacy regardless long or short.
he's 75 and even full term he will be 80. so how? what can a pm achieved at such short runway quoting hsk.
imagine bolehland politiks - i give u power but must first benefit me! susah la. anwar being finance minster might as well makan all the doh he can lay hands then call it a day...tsk tsk tsk