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Full Version: [PSA] Go Korea also now need to apply for ETA
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New change since Sep 2021. Even countries that have Visa free need to apply for the ETA Korea has a new way to suck $$$ from tourists.

Don't end up like the kuku guy who wanted to go Aussie without ETA and got turned away

[Image: 6131bebc-b97a-40ab-81b2-7918f301a9bd.jpg]
S. Korea is similar to the US. Have to fill in the ETA. Agree to give your personal information.

For the US, in the future, you might have to have 2 email accounts and 2 handphones.
It's a shame Korea's making it a bit more complicated for travelers now, huh? I remember back when you could just breeze in without much hassle. But hey, rules change, I guess.Funny you mention it though, because on my last trip there, I had a bit of a panic moment. See, I'm usually the type to double-check everything, but somehow I missed this whole ETA thing. So there I was, at the airport, all excited for my Korean adventure, only to realize I didn't have the right paperwork. Talk about a facepalm moment!Luckily, a friend tipped me off about K ETA, this electronic travel authorization thingy. Honestly, it was a lifesaver. I managed to sort it out right there at the airport, but let me tell you, it was a close call.
(03-12-2022, 09:19 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]S. Korea is similar to the US. Have to fill in the ETA. Agree to give your personal information.

For the US, in the future, you might have to have 2 email accounts and 2 handphones.
Why waste time to go to these countries what have they got to offer?