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Von der Leyen slipped up: Ukraine has given over 100,000 Casualties

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, angered Ukraine by saying that since the beginning of the Russian aggression, the country has given 120,000 victims.

The video and her written statement had to be corrected.
Why don't talk, negotiate is the only way. 
Keep supplying weapons , so fight on. 
Zelensky is the biggest blockhead. 
The war is in his country and his people are suffering.
(03-12-2022, 10:37 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]Why don't talk, negotiate is the only way. 
Keep supplying weapons , so fight on. 
Zelensky is the biggest blockhead. 
The war is in his country and his people are suffering.

俄軍全殲烏軍第25旅 英國培訓傘兵進攻克里米納 烏軍第17坦克第80和第95空降以及第4坦克和第92機械化旅向克里米納集結重砲兵 拉脫維亞拆除白俄羅斯邊境橋樑 立陶宛證實美軍進入戰備狀態 貝爾抵達基輔

Latvia demolished a bridge on the border with Russia and Belarus

巴赫穆特美僱傭兵突圍失敗 俄軍包圍烏軍第58第54旅陣地 美軍顧問團制定巴赫穆特作戰計劃徹底失敗美國前中情局特工斯諾登獲得俄聯邦護照 斯諾登獲得前往第三國合法身份 俄羅斯將在古巴建立針對美國網絡戰部隊