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Full Version: Josh Tan : If jnflation is coming, buy REITs
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If hyperinflation is coming buy selectively ?
So many business close down no money to pay rent. Business move online, still buy reits?
In Dec 2020, Jupiter and Saturn conjunction which affected Earth the most has shifted to air element era and will stay in air element for next 200 years .In the last 220 years, Jupiter and Saturn conjunction occurred in mainly earth element. In the last 220 years, we see everything that has earth element boom like never before. In the new air element era, any business related to real estates, O&G , mass gathering of people on the ground will be crushed. From years 2021 to 2220, many things will change and human life will be turn upside down. I expect real estates market to collapse in the next 5 years.
If oil goes up aove $100, buy SembMarine
(24-07-2021, 12:28 PM)klat Wrote: [ -> ]If oil goes up aove $100, buy SembMarine

Provided Sembmarine don't collapse first before oil goes above $100.  Big Grin