Another de-CECAing exercise by American IT coy ?
It's winter for tech companies. And our govt last year still tout it and urge people to go into IT.
Not only CECA, China also kena.
(04-12-2022, 10:13 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]It's winter for tech companies. And our govt last year still tout it and urge people to go into IT.
It is no more an IT world...........
US only can isolate China on Tech sector.
Actually nothing much US can do to further blocking China trade.
Prepare for coming recession.
Q4 shd be the start of declining, may last for at least 1 year.
CECA make the word IT, Digi, Cyber Security
a blasphemous word in the World now
So many companies layoff in the name of cutting cost but their top management received higher salaries abd bonue.
Down stream logistics and delivering will be affected badly..
More people out of jobs
Why can't they just cut salary but dun retrench?
(05-12-2022, 12:16 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Why can't they just cut salary but dun retrench?
Likely retrench 30% and reduce salary of 70%
Anyway, PAP encourage retrenchment cos no need to give any monetary benefits
Not like other developed countries where their Govt discourage retrenchment ie Japan, Australia . . .