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Full Version: SBF to WSJ : It was all an honest mistake...
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『翻譯系列』SBF : 錯的都是他們!華爾街日報訪談SBF
pap learn fr him or he learn well fr pap
It was an "honest mistake" that a multibillion dollar company has no qualified accountant and qualified auditor to do the accounts and to audit the accounts!  Rotfl  

And it's an "honest mistake" that managing directors of  very "experienced & established" investment funds did not realise that after "diligent effort"!  Rotfl
bankman learnt from pap?

then he should say
just movee on..
and expound all his crimes and walk free

he should quickly migrate to singapore
anyone who want to sue or catch him will be difficult in our kangaroo court
He makes a sovereign wealth fund looking so stuuuupidddddd!