SG Talk

Full Version: How are BTO flats priced, and what are the land and building costs?
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There must will need to have " profits " or else How Govt pay those tons of civil servants, public servants from HDB etc etc , admin, officer, up to the top aka PM, Ministers, MPs, Mayors, President, ...Money don't drop from sky, It need to take from ' somewhere " is which public servants in HDB salary and bonuses. Beside Taxes, GST , etc...
Our HDB are priced like a insurance companies or tontine system. They pooled the money based on people earnings and affordability and other factors. Money earned are used to subsidized other lower incomes families. 90% or more are paying high premium on the HDBs...

We can forget abt cost per unit pricing. They are making tonnes from low cost HDB buildings.
(07-12-2022, 02:29 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Our HDB are priced like a insurance companies or tontine system. They pooled the money based on people earnings and affordability and other factors. Money earned are used to subsidized other lower incomes families. 90% or more are paying high premium on the HDBs...

We can forget abt cost per unit pricing. They are making tonnes from low cost HDB buildings.

Building materials now a days is not say cheap either but sadly to say Quality is CRAP.

I feel are those suppliers now a days GREED for more , using low graded materials, resources yet sell HIGH for it.
So the " flow chart " go to Sub contractors, buying in the supplies , etc etc down to Buyers there you go , Price already mark up don't know how much times xxx
(07-12-2022, 02:41 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Building materials now a days is not say cheap either but sadly to say Quality is CRAP.

I feel are those suppliers now a days GREED for more , using low graded materials, resources yet sell HIGH for it.
So the " flow chart " go to Sub contractors, buying in the supplies , etc etc down to Buyers there you go , Price already mark up don't know how much times xxx

Uncle, ultimate the pricing comes down to HDB. Only they know the total pricing per unit.
(07-12-2022, 02:43 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Uncle, ultimate the pricing comes down to HDB. Only they know the total pricing per unit.

I can say Literally just BS , hey come on , HDB in losses ??

In SG , property market is the biggest Revenue for GOVT

So simply you see BTO flat one unit how many go Ballot it , and mind you each Ballot cost 10++ include GST

I don't know still 10bucks or not heard some claim they increase a bit
(07-12-2022, 02:45 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Ladies and gentlemen

Don't be a stupid oppie RETARD

Go buy a BTO if you have not bought one

Choose the most expensive unit you can get in a PRIME location



All you need is $10 for application fees and $2K cash for booking a 4 or 5 rm flats

And a job with CPF contributions

Thank you PAP, thank you HDB, thank you CPF


Can you answer the question to the thread?

You don't know the answer still want to act smart when you are stupid

You always talk to yourself to please yourself only

No wonder you do not have any confidence in yourself

Big Grin