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Full Version: Germany: Police raid far-right terror suspects behind bid 'to overthrow government'
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There are anti-government. Not terrorists!  Laughing

Reichsbürger reject the German legal system and the country's parliamentarism, and most of them propagate the re-establishment of the German empire founded in 1871. They also believe that the victorious Western Allies of World War II, who defeated Nazi Germany, still secretly rule the country.

In recent years, the growing number of Reichsbürger has alarmed German security authorities. In its June 2022 report, the domestic intelligence service estimated that around 21,000 people belong to this scene — and their number is rising.

德國“國會政變” 德意志帝國復辟 俄羅斯參與海因里希十三世政變行動 德國KSK特種部隊現役軍官被逮捕全德國超21000人被密切跟踪 美國高度緊張 北溪二號事件激怒德國 俄烏戰爭外溢歐洲極右翼勢力抬頭
there must be reasons for the arrest;  Dun think going against the Government and organizing anti-Government rallies is the reason for the arrest.

Quote:German far-right group procured arms, had concrete plans for coup: Intelligence chief
Sitty Hantam climax liao.
(08-12-2022, 09:03 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]there must be reasons for the arrest;  Dun think going against the Government and organizing anti-Government rallies is the reason for the arrest.
It may be the beginning of a coup, and they need to be arrested lest it turns out to be a take-over........... Big Grin
(08-12-2022, 09:03 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]there must be reasons for the arrest;  Dun think going against the Government and organizing anti-Government rallies is the reason for the arrest.

When arrests were made in Hong Kong, you said different thing hor!  Rotfl

德国这件事引起全世界关注: 王子复辟