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Full Version: Driving electric cars could soon get a lot more expensive in UK
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Rachel Millard
Sun, 11 December 2022 at 7:11 pm


Up until recently, electric cars were exempt from road tax and fuel duty. The incentive helped drive uptake of the vehicles


On average, electric vehicle running costs are currently estimated to be £528 cheaper than for petrol cars.

Last month, chancellor Jeremy Hunt punctured the first hole in the cars’ tax-exempt bubble, announcing that electric cars, vans and motorbikes will pay vehicle excise duty (VED) from April 2025.


The move is expected to raise £515m in 2025-26, increasing to £1.6bn in 2027-28. Yet it is unlikely to be the final word in taxing electric cars, with state coffers also facing a major hit due to the loss of fuel duty as petrol and diesel cars are phased out.

Fuel duty raised about £26bn per year but this is predicted to fall to below £5bn by the 2040s.

Some form of road pricing – where motorists pay a charge for the miles they drive – has been on the agenda for years. It is now gaining extra attention as a replacement to fuel duty given the looming ban on new petrol and diesel cars from 2030.


Road-pricing is seen as a chance to tackle congestion by, for example, charging drivers more to travel on busy roads during rush hour.
road pricing started with good intentions. over time it become a problem as it encourages easy solution by increasing cost to road users instead of increasing road capacity.

for example. cte. it has become so expensive both way. wonder the authority in charge of smooth flow feel anything about it.

there is a serious need to buiold double decker highway.

increasing 1 lane and divide the high way into 2 will also help.

for example traveling northward, two lanes, lane 1 and lane 2 as 1 highway from after pie until after amk ave 3. in this way traffic going to woodlands, yishun, ponggol etc can travel straight up without traffic jam caused by traffic joining at bartley road and traffic from lane 1,2 trying to filter out at amk ave 1 and ave 3. reduce criss-cross as well.

southward, cte filter out to join pie should be made seamless with two lane direct into pie. too many of these lane combine into 1 lane before tuning into another highway. also reduce the criss-cross traffic. made traffic joining from bartley road to join cte after the exit from cte to pie. also making the southward highway into 2 highway will also improve traffic flow.

traffic going from cte to pie should join pie after the exit into kpe. this will reduce the jam caused by criss-cross.

the effort to reduce junction also need to review. some are quite senseless. it is good for easy flow of traffic the downside is making vehicle traveling extra distance causing wastage of fuel and time, to the driver making a uturn there is no time saving. to those making right turn it is making more traffic to turn at the junction. resulting in longer wait for the traffic light.
selling opium .
Our home power supply by new companies started off cheap

Electric car charging will also start cheap to attract customers

then goes into puff