SG Talk

Full Version: SBF guilty jn reality but will escape prosecution - here's why
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I believe he is guilty but to prove in court of law may be difficult.

To find him guilty the case has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt

SBF is smart enough to leave no paper trail and delegate away his crooked deeds...leaving himself clean and able to feint ignorance.

(13-12-2022, 09:33 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]I believe he is guilty but to prove in court of law may be difficult.

To find him guilty the case has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt

SBF is smart enough to leave no paper trail and delegate away his crooked deeds...leaving himself clean and able to feint ignorance.

he is a Jew..................that alone is reason enough...............the Jews control America 100%.................
He goes to court and just answer with his iconic conman's stammer "I emm...emm...err...err...emm...emm..erh" will sure get away. The jury will find him not guilty of any charges as he is ignorant of anything. ..... Big Grin
(13-12-2022, 10:14 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]He goes to court and just answer with his iconic conman's stammer "I emm...emm...err...err...emm...emm..erh" will sure get away. The jury will find him not guilty of any charges as he is ignorant of anything. ..... Big Grin

The ignorance defense is preplanned long time ago.
They use self delete apps to approve funds at FTX.

It was all preplanned to wipe clean everything...and leave nothing traceable.

Guy is ultimate fraudster with exit plan.