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Singapore: SportsSG/ ActiveSG is promoting sedentary lifestyle in Singaporeans now?

(Originally a forum post at )

This Sports/activeSG habit of threatening to annually expire the credits is most self defeating and stupid.

Why expire if stingy govt is not topping up with new credits? Means what, the message that if u don't exercise in 2022, then forget about, quit exercising from 2023 onwards?

Health Minister Ong YK should really give those silly activeSG directors (probably braindead, retarded ex- SAF scholars)  a good dressing down; citizen health isn't same as being punctual at cookhouse or receiving military conscript handouts; and even SAF emart credits are topped up regularly and be carried forward one cycle/year.

Yeah, maybe gahmen is now bankrupt, spent too much in healthcare, so perhaps active SG originally budgeted for every year top up, so those unused credits might expire each year, just before the new credits are allocated, just like $100 CDC vouchers, with expiry date- or the original activeSG policy design officer has since retired and important parts of the policy have been now omitted/ left out.

The solution to not exercising is to encourage people to exercise more, not confiscate their activeSG credits.

Then people will have even more serious sedentary lifestyle conditions like obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

Then Minister Ong Ye Kung will be scratching his head (till bald), why Singaporeans are so inactive, when it is activeSG that encouraged them to be inactive (by answering their inactivity dreams of having the activeSG credits expire in the first place).

Due to ActiveSG shooting themselves in the foot or dropping the ball, Singaporeans are encouraged to adopt sedentary lifestyles henceforth.
Just book ticket and don't turn up should trigger a txn and not let it expire will work?
(15-12-2022, 12:41 AM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Just book ticket and don't turn up should trigger a txn and not let it expire will work?
Yes this will work. But my point is that there will be many* lazy people who purposely wish and hope that all the points lapse, then they have the best excise not to exercise leow, which then totally defeats the point of making citizens active in the first place.

To imagine that this is the kind of geniuses that the PAP government claims to have under their wings, actually, no more talented/educated than just some gangsters or triad members who only know how to accomplish anything by kidnapping or threats, really don't deserve their world record salaries, cos any bankrupt terrorist/ warlord from Afghanistan can probably do better than them, just using the gun, but not putting agency into the lives of citizens, to be empowered to keep fit, instead of just these wayang public policies, which change as the wind blows, just like they play musical chairs, with their abuse of authority.

(*Many: judging by Singapore's world record diabetes rate).
Actually those who want to exercise will exercise. Those who are lazy and don't exercise, no matter how much credit is given also won't exercise.
ActiveSG should just give Geylang brothel credits, sure got many go there sexercise.
(16-12-2022, 08:24 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]ActiveSG should just give Geylang brothel credits, sure got many go there sexercise.

Hmmm.... down there depend what rate can be 150 per visit then ActiveSG can only use one time and we need top up some for that one visit? Don't make sense.
Post from

(16-12-2022, 08:19 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Actually those who want to exercise will exercise. Those who are lazy and don't exercise, no matter how much credit is given also won't exercise.

It's just that to confiscate the credits, will just be sending the wrong message, i.e.  justify sedentary citizens reasons not to exercise much.

It's like PAP once had 'healthy don't need to wear mask' campaign because they had the wrong understanding of COVID-19 nature of spread, before they replaced them with new rules to require compulsory face mask wearing in all places, including outdoors.

Those who are too lazy to exercise will argue that the government (SportsSG) has since withdrawn/ retracted it's funding to promote exercise, they will consider the exercise promotion campaign as just a mistake and justify even more, their sedentary lifestyles.

Thus the Sports/ActiveSG pro exercise campaign has backfired instead.
I am sure Skills Future credit that is not used will also be gone because our Govt cannot provide the necessary courses to fill the remaining hundreds of gaps only found at work.
(16-12-2022, 08:19 AM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Actually those who want to exercise will exercise. Those who are lazy and don't exercise, no matter how much credit is given also won't exercise.

Just reminder go book something like swimming pass will extend expiry 1 more year. I notice it has changed format the pass is valid 3 months. Last time I must choose the exact swimming complex and timing then book. Now is weekday or weekend pass valid 3 months not bad
Due to COVID long time no go public swimming pool. Now my swimming trunk the rubber there like spoil cham wait wear go inside water come out how? Good swimming trunk got brand not cheap. Unless is last time saf issued but that one wear go inside water will drag you down not aerodynamic design.

Readers here use what brand? Arena? TYR? My goggles still ok can wear