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Full Version: Why money plants hv water droplets on its leaves?
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I noticed it 

But why? Can the water be drank?
Cool temp and high humidity hv slowed down or stopped the transpiration of the plants, so water droplets are formed.

They container plant nutrients from the ferterlizers so not suitable to drink
(16-12-2022, 01:06 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Cool temp and high humidity hv slowed down or stopped the transpiration of the plants, so water droplets are formed.

They container plant nutrients from the ferterlizers so not suitable to drink

Is this a natural thing or i need to shift the plants to somewhere more favorable for the plant?

Does money plant needs sunlight?

The house hv zero direct sunlight as it faces north south and no direct sunlight gets into the house
i found a way to make plant inclusive of money plant happy and healthy
I spray their leaves with a mist taking off the dirt bugs and wat not
look like they breathe better
You should take out ur mask b4 it is too late.
and don't forget to bath and apply soap cream around ur balls and folds
they contain toxins oozing out
armpits too.
Hairs top and bottom
All causes of inflammation must be stopped
(16-12-2022, 02:37 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Is this a natural thing or i need to shift the plants to somewhere more favorable for the plant?

Does money plant needs sunlight?

The house hv zero direct sunlight as it faces north south and no direct sunlight gets into the house

It's a natural thing. But if too much water and too often, the leaves can turn brown. So if leaf browning happens, move it to another place.

Money plant can grow in dark places, but would do better in bright shade. Just avoid strong, direct sunlight will do