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Full Version: Today forum everywhere very quiet...
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Am I the only one sleeping yesterday at 10pm?
LOL those bet france cry go to sleep
(19-12-2022, 01:44 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]LOL those bet france cry go to sleep

And those who bet on Argentina celebrating. No time for forums
(19-12-2022, 04:10 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]And those who bet on Argentina celebrating. No time for forums

Those one Argentina actually in Forum Tongue to share joy also on social media
(19-12-2022, 04:50 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Those one Argentina actually in Forum Tongue to share joy also on social media

At long last Argentina won the world cup........... Laughing Clapping
(19-12-2022, 04:53 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]At long last Argentina won the world cup........... Laughing Clapping

Not bad leow lah, won 3 times. The previous one they won is the one where the team is led by Maradona in 1986.