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Full Version: This is what the Russian attack was
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This is done e.g. to determine where the Shaheds (Iranian drones Shahed-136-PAP) were shot down, where the Ukrainian air defense is operating. Because at night (and then the drone attack was carried out ), anti-aircraft missile systems are primarily used. They mark their location and then correct the plans of their attacks using rockets.
(20-12-2022, 11:23 AM)babushka Wrote: [ -> ]The US wants to send Patriot airdefence to Ukraine, but this performed poorly in Saudi Arabia against Houthi drone/missile attacks using swarming tactics.

The Russians will also use swarming tactics by first launching decoys to get the Patriot operators to light up their radar, get a lock-on to their locations & then fire their Kalibr cruise missiles at them.

The Russians have shown incredible ability to adapt to fighting & defeating Western weapons system. They have even learnt to beat Himars projectiles by studying their algorithm.

So radar and data collection units does their job well.