SG Talk

Full Version: did u withdrawn your CPF ordinary N put in FD or move to CPF retirement account ?
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pls advise.

FD 5% or CPF retirement 4%
Do you know there is such a thing as T Bills? Big Grin
Never, I don't even log in my CPF for years.
(21-12-2022, 05:22 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know there is such a thing as T Bills? Big Grin

no I dun, please advise is it safe? I quickly google, interest is 4.40%  still lower than FD leh
You can use CPF OA to invest directly into T bills. It is as safe as CPF rah.
So don’t withdraw your monies.  Because your SA interest is 4%.  They will take from your SA then OA.