SG Talk

Full Version: Members of the public should purchase only enough medicines for own consumption: MOH
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(21-12-2022, 07:15 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]STOP those PRC from buying our medicines to send back home lah! Better send them ALL balek kampong lah!  Angry

So mean, hope one day you are in their shoes. Human saves human is good karma

The anti Chinese Haters really KNN.
Chinese govt was doing the right thing to continue Covid zero policy, yet they kpkb.
Now Chinese govt kena squeeze ball and doing easing, they also kpkb.  Rotfl
Thinking the Chinese are “robbing” Sg panadol.
They did not rob the medicine.
They buy the medicine and send the medicine back to China to save their own family members. Anything wrong?

Chinese vaccination rate for old ppl is only 68% unlike Sg has one the highest vaccination rates for old ppl in the world.

Go and get yourself 2nd booster.
Dont kpkb please!

Panadol is not elixir lah.
You still got to see doctor if you are sick and keng MC.
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