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Full Version: Housing loan interest rates expected to rise from BOJ move
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Experts are warning consumers eyeing housing loans to brace themselves for higher interest rates, one of the ripple effects expected from the Bank of Japan’s surprise policy change.

Export-oriented companies have accumulated record profits because of the weaker yen brought about by the low interest rates in Japan. But they may face tougher months ahead, as the yen strengthens against the dollar.

Companies that faced higher costs for importing materials could, on the other hand, be helped by the higher long-term interest rates.

Ken Kobayashi, chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the move at least finally brings the BOJ closer to the Western consensus on rates.

But there could be one once the BOJ begins to implement an exit strategy from its ultra-loose monetary policy. Doing so would entail actual hikes in the long-term interest rate.
They dare not rise one lah.
They are not Chinese.

Current 0.25% Bond rate already need to fork out 25% GDP $$$ for interest.

阿黑已经给日本民众骂到臭头, 那里敢上调。
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