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Full Version: Please SACK your Maid to shorten the pain
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(27-01-2023, 12:53 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]heng ar

i got this to train my maid

[Image: 81XUQFVTX6L._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg]

If sack maid no more free zhut zhut then how? Sad
(06-04-2023, 06:56 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]If sack maid no more free zhut zhut then how? Sad
My cousin said she sacked her new maid 2 weeks ago

Because she opened the door and let people come into the house

without her knowing
(06-05-2023, 11:45 AM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]My cousin said she sacked her new maid 2 weeks ago

Because she opened the door and let people come into the house

without her knowing

Nowadays if employ maid must have surveillance camera covering all the entrances and common areas.
(08-01-2023, 08:55 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]The employer will still need to pay her three weeks salary.

How do you calculate?  

How about the air tickets, insurance, training costs, etc?  

(06-05-2023, 12:41 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]How do you calculate?  

How about the air tickets, insurance, training costs, etc?  

Yes. In addition.
Poor hygiene Or like my tua- gor's Myanmmar maid

Wash her hand with soap in the sink with mince pork opened in the plate also in the sink

Why MOM allow Untrained Maid to come to work?? 

Employer complains that her maid scratches her head & body by sticking her hands under her t-shirt while cooking, also forgets to wash hands after toilet breaks (
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