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Full Version: PM lee NY message TALK COCK AGAIN
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" uncertainties ahead " whereas Other side MOM bragging a lot get employed , MAS pat itself claim GDP is improving blah blah all just like before pre Covi days .....OH Wait " Guess He preferring those working in Private Sectors, not them as Civil servants " bonus still have despite " uncertainties ahead "......
Every year TCSS. Only fatten their own pockets whilst the citizens bear with high inflation and costs of living
He is saying on behalf of his own Team and civil servants only. Often meaningless to average Joe like us.
(31-12-2022, 07:15 PM)Symmetry Wrote: [ -> ]He is saying on behalf of his own Team and civil servants only. Often meaningless to average Joe like us.

Yea you also got that point.
No trouble also talk until got trouble. Useless Bo Chi Guy. Better let Trump rule singapore with Guts n Glory.
(31-12-2022, 06:27 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Every year TCSS. Only fatten their own pockets whilst the citizens bear with high inflation and costs of living

Can't agree more
He got a puppet LWong

Every New Year, NDRally, GE . . . .

will also be the same talk cock again and again
Singapore has entered into Peak tokcock season
where she will open up and face the full onslaught of the plandemic
Don't laugh she might win
China is different she is yet to reach peak
and there no way to stop it.
The evil wind started around December 20 has the wt of milo infection and going up up.
She has to be strong.
This is nothing new.  Every year also talk cock.
(31-12-2022, 06:27 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Every year TCSS. Only fatten their own pockets whilst the citizens bear with high inflation and costs of living

every year, the salary and bonus of public sector keep increasing to keep up with market rate and inflation.
Talking cock again..

Means it's not the first time.
(17-12-2022, 04:25 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]He will lose his pants if he continues walking this way

[Image: 3ph7iD8.gif]
(31-12-2022, 06:24 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]

" uncertainties ahead " whereas Other side MOM bragging a lot get employed , MAS pat itself claim GDP is improving blah blah all just like before pre Covi days .....OH Wait " Guess He preferring those working in Private Sectors, not them as Civil servants " bonus still have despite " uncertainties ahead "......

Lee Hsien Loong is Singapore Prime Minister lah! Big Grin
He is so proud of his 1% GST increase...
(31-12-2022, 07:56 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore has entered into Peak tokcock season


Current PAP = PEA Cock?

Strauting around with glamour and talk cock

while citizens suffer because of their Bad policies

in MOM, MOE and MOH
singlon suspects Radiation Poisoning
are we safe most likely YES
we are using Band aggregation so-called fake 5G aggregated 3 4 and 5 bands
real 5G can kill you in minutes freq.41.

PS presently singlon is using fake 5G wireless on his andriod TV broadband 1g
It's strange how property owners can walk into a sweetshop where the ID con and smoke the owner with slipshod workmanship. And when negotiating for the contract, the ID can threaten that his team cannot do a good job if the entire apartment is not done by his team. Yet ultimately the ID is just a coordinator and the work is done by everyone else at a low cost and quality with the ID creaming the bulk of the profit...

Lol this is politics.
This time he talked Hen la.
[Image: Screenshot-2023-01-01-at-09-35-26-PM-lee...-AGAIN.png]
(31-12-2022, 06:27 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Every year TCSS. Only fatten their own pockets whilst the citizens bear with high inflation and costs of living

They just want to fatten their own pockets, and craft policies to advantage themselves...... Laughing
(01-01-2023, 09:41 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]They just want to fatten their own pockets, and craft policies to advantage themselves...... Laughing

Greedy people.
Both tormentors and victims are hot and bubble
sometimes u need to read charts upside down
[Image: Screenshot-2023-01-01-at-09-52-34-The-Gl...022-an.png]
Dr died suddenly
[Image: Screenshot-2023-01-01-at-10-22-23-Jab-pu...e-Chri.png]
(01-01-2023, 09:41 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]They just want to fatten their own pockets, and craft policies to advantage themselves...... Laughing
Any country wud not want to hv such leaders that put themselves first and leaves their citizens to struggle for a living. Leaders must hv a kind and compassionate heart and they can then gain respect and love from the commoners. There are many such adorable leaders in many countries that are worth mentioning.
(01-01-2023, 10:54 AM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Any country wud not want to hc such leaders that put themselves first and leaves their citizens to struggle for a living. Leaders must hv a kind and compassionate heart and they can then gain respect and love from the commoners. There are many such adorable leaders in many countries that are worth mentioning.

Well said, you deserve a like and a rep. pt........... Clapping
(01-01-2023, 10:54 AM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Any country wud not want to hc such leaders that put themselves first and leaves their citizens to struggle for a living. Leaders must hv a kind and compassionate heart and they can then gain respect and love from the commoners. There are many such adorable leaders in many countries that are worth mentioning.

Has Mr Suay or Shoot Blank Queen deported 80,000 FTs and PRs gradually in the past 5 years?

they rather Wayang all the way to Hoardland

to even want to make our lives better

[Image: JT-Listening-ear-an-willing-heart.png]