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Full Version: US: Avoid unnecessary travel to Singapore
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“Because of the current situation in Singapore, all travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants,” the travel notice on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website said.

The number of people on ventilators also grew to 194, more than double from two weeks ago, while 27 are in the ICU. Altogether, they account for nearly one-in-five of the nearly 1,300 people currently hospitalized, most of whom are elderly.
The US VP just visited Spore and Blinken is coming shortly.
(29-09-2021, 12:45 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The US VP just visited Spore and Blinken is coming shortly.

That time the VP came not so bad. Blinker might cancel or delay his visit. Looks like the effort to reopen is futile unless OYK can keep the infection rate below 10 per day. More than that tourists are not coming even if you give them money and free stay as US already give travel advisory to their people to avoid Singapore. ...... Rolleyes
the surge in cases was brought about by alamak? #&@!