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Charged with money laundering, this MP paid a certain amount and hey presto all charges withdrawn. Malaysia Boleh.
If under jib kor dun even need trial?
No problems for malays lah. Najib son better still. Return a portion of theft money from 1mdb and all charges drop, case kow tim. In malusia, crime pays if you are from ketuanan species but if you are Indians or Chinese then God bless you.
Put 100 million into bank account then take out 1 million to pay fine!  Clapping
[Image: IMG-20230303-WA0001.jpg]

What can we expect from an anti Chinese Islam country?

蚊型脚车案沈可婷无罪释放但将把痛苦带到坟墓,法官说只有车飞起来才可能避开蚊型脚车 | 韭後商谈 @90sTalkShow


.MACC investigating former senior minister and businessman with the title 'Tan Sri'
(29-09-2021, 06:45 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Charged with money laundering, this MP paid a certain amount and hey presto all charges withdrawn. Malaysia Boleh.
Bolehland gone case. Pity those Chinese there.
(19-05-2023, 03:01 PM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Bolehland gone case. Pity those Chinese there.

Chinese in bolehland considered second class citizens lah. Cannot compare with the bumis.

独中复兴运动50周年 扭转华教发展的救亡运动 | 八点最热报 29/05/2023
(29-05-2023, 11:22 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

独中复兴运动50周年 扭转华教发展的救亡运动 | 八点最热报 29/05/2023

Few English educated can accept nor imagine Chinese-school can become just as important for today's Chinese school children as ever..
money is evil.
(20-05-2023, 08:29 AM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Chinese in bolehland considered second class citizens lah. Cannot compare with the bumis.

Actually not only Chinese, Indians also. Basically the minorities in Msia suffer a lot.


1. 有些学生因为从小就在家里和幼儿园里使用英语与朋友和家人沟通,久而久之就习惯只讲英语。的确,习惯真的很难改变。他们可能从小就没有讲华语的习惯,造成华文华语很难上手。讲华语是必须从小培养的习惯,如果从小就习惯使用华语沟通,练习声调、读音等,自然而然会更了解基本词汇。到了小学,我们就比较容易听懂华文老师讲的课。只要上手了,就会产生兴趣,也能够理解一些更深奥的词汇,与人沟通时逐渐能够出口成章。

2. 不喜欢讲华语可能是受家庭和朋友的影响。孩子每天耳濡目染,很自然会受到家人的影响,习惯性地用英语沟通。有很多国家以英语为官方语言,英语是国际语言,让他们产生错误观念,以为学习华文是不重要的。

3. 当每个人都习惯使用英语交流,有些人会因为用华语交流而令朋友感到别扭,或害怕遭朋友讥讽使自己陷入窘态,所以不敢开口讲华语。