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Full Version: u know where am I now in the world
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[Image: Screenshot-20230104-172406-Slides.jpg]

Taiwan, qingjing farm
(06-01-2023, 09:22 PM)drgn Wrote: [ -> ]hell


Wow!  I was about to type the same location Laughing
TS, which unker did you fleece this time round? Big Grin
Go see 槟榔西施 and take pic how they wear. Got ppl say some never wear below true?
guess how much my total fare
tour hotel food

all 5 star hotel
air scoot
Nobody will reply you because you will later either scold or suan them.

The old timers here know too well your pattern leow Laughing
(07-01-2023, 07:14 AM)Talent Wrote: [ -> ]guess how much my total fare
tour hotel food

all 5 star hotel
air scoot
(07-01-2023, 12:11 AM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Go see 槟榔西施 and take pic how they wear. Got ppl say some never wear below true?

Sister there taking interview
(07-01-2023, 08:59 AM):thinkingLukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Free

Paid by the man she sweet talked to? Thinking