SG Talk

Full Version: Man earning $12.5K/month feeling depressed and stressed
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Quote:At present, I live from paycheck to paycheck with minimal savings as there are a ton of things to pay for such as loans, home related bills, insurance, medical bills, rising costs of food, renewal of appliances  etc.

Spending $12,500 means he pays GST $875 (7%) monthly that's $10,500 p.a. no wonder he's depressed
This article was published in July last year. This year he may be retrenched so he will finally be relieved of all the work stress he's been under.
$12,500/mth i also stress cause part time mayor also paid the three time more and work lot more less
not too loud
less something falls
like the table is turned on him
he sure will be happy like now being stressed
learning to do right takes a long time
Work life balance is still future of work.