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Full Version: Car is Just a People Mover in Western Countries
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My British colleague in Australia used to tell me, but  in Asia it means something entirely different, in Korea people compare cars see who drive more expensive cars.  Big Grin
in Spore also the same. Kind of silly, isn’t it? Big Grin
The new bond show 'No time to die' uses many Aston Martin cars.
(30-09-2021, 12:44 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]My British colleague in Australia used to tell me, but  in Asia it means something entirely different, in Korea people compare cars see who drive more expensive cars.  Big Grin

Come to big countries , car is like your daily needs.
even our Neighbour Malaysia, look at them, car is dam common per family owning not just one but two or 3
(30-09-2021, 01:10 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Come to big countries , car is like your daily needs.
even our Neighbour Malaysia, look at them, car is dam common per family owning not just one but two or 3

cars are too expensive in Spore, that's why....even for a basic Toyota car, it costs $100k+ while in Australia it only costs $10-15k, no need to pay COE.
(30-09-2021, 12:56 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]The new bond show 'No time to die' uses many Aston Martin cars.

that’s in the movie lah, ordinary Angmoh including professors all drive 10 yo 2nd hand cars.
(30-09-2021, 01:29 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]cars are too expensive in Spore, that's why....even for a basic Toyota car, it costs $100k+ while in Australia it only costs $10-15k, no need to pay COE.

Actually come to car, this I have to say PAP do right in the sense controlling the car population.
SG so small. I not sure CCS bluff or what, I do happen attend his event many years back as he is VIP.

He claim actually SG land a lot been used to build roads instead build housing thus is no sense for it .

Well I do agreed with tat.

imaging car is cheap in SG every tom , dick , harry own one. Traffic jam even worst.
(30-09-2021, 01:32 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Actually come to car, this I have to say PAP do right in the sense controlling the car population.
SG so small.  I not sure CCS  bluff or what, I do happen attend his event many years back as he is VIP.

He claim actually SG land a lot been used to build roads instead build housing thus is no sense for it .

Well I do agreed with tat.

imaging car is cheap in SG every tom , dick , harry own one.  Traffic jam even worst.

 best to increase COE to 1 million range, traffic will be very smooth but garment has no money to collect.
(30-09-2021, 01:35 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ] best to increase COE to 1 million range, traffic will be very smooth but garment has no money to collect.
(30-09-2021, 01:35 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ] best to increase COE to 1 million range, traffic will be very smooth but garment has no money to collect.

If the COE is increased to 1 million, then only a handful of people can afford to drive one..