SG Talk

Full Version: Photos and videos from California's storm devastation
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government failed. they need to spend more money to study the entire basin. estimate the highest rain fall. dig canal and pond to contain the exceptional increased in water.
just do it once and maintain them. effort will save much more money, life over the years.
like the many lakes along yang tze river that act as overflow lake. the hydro electric dam that allows green energy and control the flow of water from further up stream.
south water recourse to flow to north. east water directed to flow to west.
all these good things that will help people. spend more on these instead of weapon weapon which only fatten the war machine maker.
(11-01-2023, 05:45 PM)sclim Wrote: [ -> ]government failed. they need to spend more money to study the entire basin. estimate the highest rain fall. dig canal and pond to contain the exceptional increased in water.
just do it once and maintain them. effort will save much more money, life over the years.
like the many lakes along yang tze river that act as overflow lake. the hydro electric dam that allows green energy and control the flow of water from further up stream.
south water recourse to flow to north. east water directed to flow to west.
all these good things that will help people. spend more on these instead of weapon weapon which only fatten the war machine maker.

[Image: Middle-Eastern-World-War.jpg]
(11-01-2023, 06:46 PM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Middle-Eastern-World-War.jpg]

Center of evil 😈