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Full Version: The costs and implications of the SPH Media scandal
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When news broke yesterday that three senior executives at SPH Media have been inflating its circulation data, the whole saga very quickly escalated into becoming a national embarrassment as more Singaporeans started questioning the integrity of those media executives in the media group under SPH Media in whom the People’s Action Party (PAP) government has generously supported despite many objections from Singaporeans who see it as a desperate attempt by the PAP to perpetuate its own political propaganda.

To make matters worse, when Wong Wei Kong, the editor-in-chief of the publications under SMT, foolishly tried to subsequently narrate that SPH Media has taken a “painful but necessary decision to make public that its past circulation figures were inaccurate”, it gave a false impression that as if it was the one who had disclosed this deception on its own accord when the truth is that this whole saga came to light after Wake Up Singapore (WUSG) reported it.

This goes to show just how insincere its editor-in-chief has been and how SPH Media has no qualms in trying to bend the narrative to play down the whole incident as if Singaporeans and their advertisers are all fools.

Come on Wong, time to come clean and admit that SPH Media was caught with its pants down and stop trying to spin more lies or falsehoods.

If not for WUSG, we would all still be kept in the dark, no?

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josephine teo has been awfully silent....
hmm yeah she still hasn't make an official statement right? her kar kia can't draft a plausible excuse to explain away this mess?
(11-01-2023, 06:48 PM)Alleggsinonebasket Wrote: [ -> ]josephine teo has been awfully silent....

"Everyday Karung Guni waiting for SPH to print extra 95,000  copies for them ..

0.02 cents per kg""