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Full Version: $2,000 for ice cream? Bolsonaro’s credit card bill during his term raises eyebrows
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UPDATED JAN 14, 2023, 7:52 PM SGT

BRASILIA - More than US$21,000 (S$27,000) splurged at a modest restaurant; US$10,700 spent at a bakery in a single day. The public release on Friday of ex-president Jair Bolsonaro’s official credit card expenditures is raising eyebrows in Brazil.

More than 27.6 million real (S$7 million at today’s exchange rate) was charged to the far-right president’s card during his four-year term


Unlike his predecessors, Mr Bolsonaro threw a 100-year secrecy veil over presidential credit card expenditures, among other official information, which successor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has begun lifting.


Mr Bolsonaro frequently claimed not to have charged “a single penny” to the card.


more than US$235,000 was spent by Mr Bolsonaro while on vacation in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Nearly US$14,000 was spent on a single visit to a petrol station, and another US$286,000 on several visits to a luxury hotel in Guaruja, a seaside resort near Sao Paulo.


On one visit to a restaurant in Boa Vista in the Amazonian state of Roraima, the presidential card was used to pay a bill of more than US$21,000.


That would be enough for an order of 2,000 plates of the restaurant’s most expensive dish: roast chicken with a side starch, which costs a little less than US$10.

The card was also used to charge more than US$71,000 over four years at a bakery in Rio de Janeiro.

Of this amount, almost US$11,000 was spent in one go: on the day after the wedding of Mr Bolsonaro’s son. It also happened to be the eve of a motorbike rally organised by Mr Bolsonaro’s supporters through the streets of Rio.

A total of more than US$1,600 (S$2,000) was spent at ice cream shops.
Corruption lor!
Maybe channeled to the poor and destitute......🤣
Keppel throw face Big Grin