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Full Version: 560 quarantined students sat for first PSLE written paper
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After two days of scrambling, Mrs Tan managed to submit her son’s entry PCR test and ART results the evening before the mathematics paper on Friday. She thought the family could “finally relax and have a peaceful dinner”, she said.

But half an hour later, the authorities called her again to request another PCR test for her son later that night.

“I was like ‘Huh, why PCR test again when we did it yesterday with a negative report?’” said Mrs Tan. She insisted that her son had just taken his entry PCR test and refused a second test.


“(I received a call) from the MOH that the swabber is coming. Then suddenly the swabber will not come because the Government already cancelled it. Then suddenly the swabber is coming, then off again,” she told CNA.

Finally, her son’s school told her she could decline the swabber’s visit because they would accept her son’s previous PCR test results for him to take the papers.