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Full Version: USA hit debt ceiling
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Kokee, Sharexchange, Kel and anti CCP pariahs.. Can help..

They can help to print fake money?  Rotfl

美方遇大難題 耶倫劉鶴為什麽談? 2023 0120

中美財長會!葉倫趕飛機才停止|賴岳謙:這原因.陸要續賣美債【全球大視野 】 精華版 @Global_Vision
Just print more money ..whats the issue? US dollar always on great demand..unlike China 人民屁...rmb.. like toilet paper..

See you guys so kumgong ccp no wonder 笨死
(20-01-2023, 04:40 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Just print more money ..whats the issue? US dollar always on great demand..unlike China 人民屁...rmb.. like toilet paper..

See you guys so kumgong ccp no wonder 笨死

Ya lor!

Down! Down! Down lor!  Rotfl

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