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Full Version: Chinese tourists return in droves to Bali, Thai beaches for the 1st time
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Chinese tourists return in droves to Bali, Thai beaches for the first time in 3 years.
Reported Thai Govt is expecting 5 mio.Chinese tourists arrivals in 2023 as compared to 13 mio b4 pandemic.

Whereas Singapore is expecting 350,000 Chinese tourists (800-1,000 arrival daily) in 2023.
If you cannot afford the world's most expensive city, you bypassing Singapore, then, go to Bali and Thailand are fantastic tourists destinations.

Tourists should stay at least one week:
Bali has its own uniqueness ie their religion and traditional culture.

Thailand, shopping in Bangkok, and beaches in Pattaya and Phuket.
They bring together with a few million of infected people
(24-01-2023, 08:40 AM)Cmpunk Wrote: [ -> ]They bring together with a few million of infected people

You mean AMDK?
They are saving the ecomony now..
(24-01-2023, 08:42 AM)FangFang Wrote: [ -> ]They are saving the ecomony now..

They cannot afford to stay in hotels and  sightseeing in Singapore
good chance for Thai people to RIP those KumgGong China Tiongs Money...hAHA
The reason why they avoid SG and Malaysia is becos of their stupid visa requirements lah.