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How Singapore, the world's most expensive city attractions to 3rd world tourists?

B4 pandemic, average tourists arrival stayed 3 days but today, with a strong S$, probably afford 1 1/2 days.

So, whats your suggestion?
SGD is not strong, the truth is AUD is too weak due to weak economy.
Alex Tan dared not come back to Sg?
Singapore is too small to attract tourists to stay for more than 3 days unless they are rich who can have additional days for Business Tour. So 1.5 days seems like a better option for 3rd world average tourists.
(24-01-2023, 11:53 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]SGD is not strong, the truth is AUD is too weak due to weak economy.

No 3rd world country's tourists can stay in 4 stars hotels or afford entrance fees to amusement park.

A day in Sentosa is a killer
(24-01-2023, 07:40 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]How Singapore, the world's most expensive city attractions to 3rd world tourists?

B4 pandemic, average tourists arrival stayed 3 days but today, with a strong S$, probably afford 1 1/2 days.

So, whats your suggestion?

Mostly 3rd world "tourists" come to beg, steal and leech for jobs lah
They are not here for the tourist attractions nor our expensive food la.