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Full Version: WHO urges 'immediate action' after cough syrup deaths
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cow urine cough syrup

[Image: cow-urine-500x500.jpg]
Nobody dares to do anything to India lah. And Sg govt gets lots of India made drugs cos cheap cheap. But many times the made in India medicine don't work at all. So likely only submitted test sample is real stuff, the rest of shipment is dunno what...
I ever gotten medication from GP and polyclinic that's made in India, totally ineffective and doctor had to change back to the actual brand (for GP only lah, polyclinic they will not do that for you) instead of generic made in India... Lol
Last time used to visit GP to get the prescription for cough. The syrup that they gave never work once. After that stop going to the GP if I have a cough. Usually will buy Chinese herbs to self medicate.
(24-01-2023, 10:07 AM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Nobody dares to do anything to India lah. And Sg govt gets lots of India made drugs cos cheap cheap. But many times the made in India medicine don't work at all. So likely only submitted test sample is real stuff, the rest of shipment is dunno what...

[Image: 7924-A551-A5-CB-44-ED-88-C8-6-D26-EC2-DFAB1.jpg]