SG Talk

Full Version: 2 Oct : 2356 cases 4 deaths, one 55 yo
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One of the deaths is 55yo....better watch out.
It will get lower and lower u need time for toxins to work.
The old they have plenty already. A little push is all that is needed.
Peak liao...seems like.
In a uptrend stock; the chart may have a little pull back before continue go up long as the ICU ward still high uptrend intact .. (Chart point only)
ATH target 5000 cases reach ( Time frame ?)
We should ask for the number use.
Up trend or down just round them up and test with no.40 or 26 or in between
to keep it lauchia
(03-10-2021, 07:18 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Peak liao...seems like.

Infections peaked but deaths are increasing everyday.

Chenghu messaging is actually this “I tell you all to vacccinated.  I now open up.  You no vaccinate, you die your business”.
After test jabbed. just let time take them out.
The olds will flash the Alarm to further Fright them others to take the jab.
Is a he or she? obese or not? They dun study.