SG Talk

Full Version: 1 year t bill - 3.87%
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Yield and Price

Cut-off Yield  3.87% p.a.
Cut-off Price  96.141
Median Yield  3.78% p.a.
Median Price  96.23
Average Yield  3.53% p.a.
Average Price  96.48

Forget it
Heng har …. neber tikum … waiting for 6mths one
6 months maybe low too
(27-01-2023, 01:50 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]6 months maybe low too

The most, 6 mths only. After 6mths money back
A lot of ppl think is locking into FD 12 months and above. Most bank FD for long tenure are dropping