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Full Version: Ex-Coldstore detainees call for ISA’s abolition, apology on 60th anniversary
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ISA is not a wrong thing. The implementation and misused has to be checked periodically. National security is critical to have, but such govt institutional power cannot be used for party interest. Any party, especially ruling party cannot misuse it.

That is why the civil service (including the ministers) should be a standalone entity from the politicians. GE should only elect MPs and these folks cannot become the ministers or head the civil service decision making. The prime minister is the only one that should come from the party with majority votes.
They should apologise for being Commie cum-buckets at the same time.
They not dead yet?they can find jobs?
Apologize what? Those who threw them in there of course had their good reasons and now all dead already cannot defend back. Want apology can go and ask them again when they meet in the next realm.  .... Big Grin