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vietbu is for fun not for marry.
That is why Jac Lau marry Vietbu to be 24 hours Maid Service

Cheaper than buying a puppy for $4k- $8k
Nobody wants to marry him likely he is ugly or a bad personaility. Paying $30k for torturing the woman is worth it.
(03-02-2023, 08:18 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]vietbu is for fun not for marry.

(03-02-2023, 08:18 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]vietbu is for fun not for marry.

you dont speak viet and france 
you better dont have viet wife

i know a white france who speak viet and france and a very faithful viet wife 

of course

that  france and viet couple told me be mindful where you get your viet wife
is she from city or from a farm 
farm viet better but cannot get it from the internet or arrange from any viet agency  
you got to go to viet farm yourself
Just 30k for 3 years of holodays and using his ex-wife is already a bargain for him!
people dont understand

viet town girls is also viet city girls has some western france culture
which mean as male you better western france elegancy and phases in your speech and conversation

viet city girls like that
Vietbus are for piak piak and for use as common toilets only. Not for marrying.
We all have stereotypes of certain races in sg, passed down from our forefathers Big Grin

Chinese are incorrigible gamblers
Ahnehs drink toddy and run around banana tree
Ah Mutts strum guitar and take ganja

And sg asian society sees those Chinese who marry other non Chinese races as failures as no proper sg Chinese girl wants them.
For those who don't marry Sg girls for whatever reasons

Try a MY girl still got good ones maybe better than Sg
lau jac viet wife run away 3 times
maybe each time he pay his parents 10k to persuade his wife to go home
3times equals also 30k
(03-02-2023, 08:18 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]vietbu is for fun not for marry.

I got one army friend Seem happy married one , got 3 kids somemore.
(04-02-2023, 06:49 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]I got one army friend Seem happy married one , got 3 kids somemore.

Mostly gold diggers.  She hasn’t jumped ship yet because she hasn’t found a better one.
(04-02-2023, 07:01 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Mostly gold diggers.  She hasn’t jumped ship yet because she hasn’t found a better one.

I not so " Kapo " about my friends stuffs , Only " seem like so far ok lor "
But my friend is one year younger than me , he is 46 , her viet wife i not sure is early 30 or mid 30.

I see from FB his wife always show how lovely she with my army friend.
(04-02-2023, 07:57 AM)Odessy Wrote: [ -> ]For those who don't marry Sg girls for whatever reasons

Try a MY girl still got good ones maybe better than Sg

Careful their MY ppl ask for sponsor for anything related which is monies. Afterall they come Spore work becuz of monies big so inside monies small will try to leech on those earning monies big
(04-02-2023, 07:42 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Careful their MY ppl ask for sponsor for anything related which is monies. Afterall they come Spore work becuz of monies big so inside monies small will try to leech on those earning monies big

recently CASE claim a lot complains on Beauty Salon suddenly close run away with those already paid the package, actually now these beauty saloon not just open by Malaysia, PRC now a lot Vietnamese also come SG open beauty saloon.
(04-02-2023, 07:45 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]recently CASE claim a lot complains on Beauty Salon suddenly close run away with those already paid the package, actually now these beauty saloon not just open by Malaysia, PRC now a lot Vietnamese also come SG open beauty saloon.

PRC and MY Chinese same race so great minds think alike. Some Vietnamese if don't speak from outside fair may look like Chinese too.
(04-02-2023, 06:49 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]I got one army friend Seem happy married one , got 3 kids somemore.

Perhaps your army friend is in luck.................................. Laughing nudie
Vietcongs can smile and slit your throat at the same time Big Grin
Playing with not fire but bombs.
(05-02-2023, 06:18 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]That Malaysian hypocrite has so many choices

from Malaysian and in NTU

but end up marrying a Viet prostitute

shows he somewhere seriously malfunction

He likes to brag a lot, mostly about the money in CPF accounts.................... Big Grin